April 28, 2011

waiting on approval

Ive organised a solicitor now and have passed his details onto the estate agent and bank. The EA says he'll send out all the particulers.

The problem now is the bank dragging their heels. i had originaly signed all the paper work to speed things up but theyve rang every day looking for :
rent book
house size & condition
reconfirming address
rate to be used .

Mostly done now and Ill email them with a rate descision tommorow. They reckon a week to make a formal loan offer but with all the bank holidays itmight be longer.

Six months ago I was offered 139000 from the EBS down from the original offer of 190K. Ulster Bank said theyd give me 135k but Im applying for 89k. They said my credit card debot of €1000 wont be taken into account :-0 as its too small. Im trying to call in all debts and pay as much as possible anyway .

Plan now is too
1 get letter of loan offer
2 contact solictor to start searches
3 organise surveyor

April 26, 2011

Offer Accepted

26th April 2011
My offer has been accepted (21/4) so now Im all nerves that it will fall through or someone else will come along with more money.

Ive been to the back and given them the house price, address and agents details. Ive now officialy applied for a mortgage , not just approval.

I went to see a solicitor but wasnt happy with his price so Im looking for another one, hopefully that will be sorted soon as the estate agent and bank want their details.

Today I paid a €5000 booking deposit. I now really want to get a move on and sign contracts so it cant fall through. Ive no idea how long this will take. Presumbly the solicitor has to do his thing and the bank have to approve me and the house. I plan to get a structural survey done when approval comes through but before the contracts are signed.

April 20, 2011


April 20th UPDATE

I eventually gave in and rang the agent. he doesnt answer say I left a voice mail saying I needed answer as i was considering placing an offer on another property. I wanted it sorted by Easter.

He rang back saying the seller would like 110k. Soooooo... if he must be expecting me to try to negotaite so why did he say 100k?? I offer 98k saying that this is possible by not getting the windows changed. He calls and leaves a message saying the seller is thinkiong over night as she wants / needs 100k .

so this is nerve wrecking. I cant even publish these posts incase I tempt fate. Im now stressing over costs, mortgage, how much the builder will charge, how to find a builder...i dont even have a solictor and every where is closing for easter tommorow at 5 .

fingers crossed

April 14, 2011

House No 20

April 14th 2011

This cottage is a split level in phibsboro. Being sold by the owner who has no mortage and on at 150k. Ive viewed it three times and it needs work including

new kitchen
new shower
small bathroom added up stairs
central heating

and other cosmetic works.

Estate agent says they have an offer of 95 k which was turned down. However his collegue says theyve no offers . hmmmmm The ea has rang me a few times to ask how its going , what i think. Ive put in an offer of 95k and ea reminds me theyve turned that down already ( really ???) so i offer 96k. That was on 13/4 and now 14/4 at 9pm I havent heard back yet.