a lot can go wrong in 9 days !
Insurance company have requested a report from my gp over a stupid throw away comment I made to a gp years ago. That report can take 3 weeks . Im trying to speed it up by collecting it myself. Rang the doc today to see if it was ready , they said theyd ring back but havnt.
Insurance quote arrived by post - alot higher than id discussed with them . Eventually i heard back today from the financial adviser and Im taking just basic mortgage protection which is called life mortgage cover,... or life cover ....or mortgage protection. Reckon this will be around 18 euro a month. Plain English award me arse!
Eventually the bank have rang about the loan offer and they have a problem with the valuers report. They want a damp proof specialist to look at it, the surveyers report, proof the extension is building compliant and confirmation from the solicitor that the the rear lane way has offical access.
whata load of bollix! the lady in the bank said to ring surveyer and ask him what was reported. Surveyer says it shouldnt be discussed with me . Also said that bank should contact the solicitor and not me !!! arghhhhhh
I rang the solicitor and they havnt rang back. I rang the bank and emailed them but no reply.
Plan now is to only deal with the solicitor. I reckon the bank are talking to me about stuff that theyre not meant to tell me and Im getting very confused. I also have to get in touch with a damp specialist and organise the EA to let him in
Im really getting worried now that its all going to fall through.